Maya・Board » □-『电影分享』 » [MKV/2.99G]奪命飛鳳 Savage Streets

2020-7-22 13:26 花醉红尘
[MKV/2.99G]奪命飛鳳 Savage Streets

导演: Danny Steinmann

编剧: Danny Steinmann / Norman Yonemoto

主演: Linda Blair / John Vernon / Robert Dryer / Johnny Venocur

类型: 动作 / 犯罪

制片国家/地区: 美国

语言: 英语

又名: 黑街 / 少女歼霸(kevin译名)

  An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowing revenge. It comes in the form of the gang-rape of a young mute (Heather) and her older sister (Brenda) starts hunting the gang in turn - armed with bear traps and crossbow. A teenage vigilante seeks revenge on a group of violent thugs who raped her handicapped sister and killed her best friend.


Link URL:[url][/url]

2020-7-22 13:35 gsjygmyh
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2020-7-23 11:15 cy-line

2020-7-23 22:10 RICHARD-MAYA

2020-7-24 00:37 abc-r

2020-7-24 12:55 jowwwchong
以前不懂,看贴总是不回 ,一直没提升等级和增加经验,现在我明白了,反正回贴可以升级 ,也可以赚经验,而升级又需要经验,我就把这句话复制下来,遇贴就灌水,捞经验就闪

2020-7-24 17:14 xulong32

2020-7-24 23:19 mbs19810125

2020-7-25 09:05 zhaobeizhaobei

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